Sunday, February 7, 2010

How about something a little different?

So, yesterday was Superbowl Sunday. My landlord likes to comment that of all the activities in which my husband and I participate, watching football is the only mainstream thing we do.

Let me just add, we really only watch BSU, the Rams when they're on network TV, and the Superbowl. And, mostly, we watch the Superbowl for the commercials.

I'm sure this is entirely too much personal information for a non-personal blog. But, it's a story, that leads me to what this blog is really about: telling a story. How do you tell a story? What tools do you use? What tools are available?

There's quite a bit of experimental story telling out there in the world today. I won't get into it much; Google does a much better job of it. But, I will give you this. It's Google's Superbowl advertisement. And, it's a rather interesting, different way of telling a story. If you already saw it, watch it again with a writer's eye. If you haven't watched it, well, now's your chance.

And you thought your search history couldn't possibly tell a story.

What's so great about the way Google told the story? For me, it was what they left out - the holes the viewer had to fill to understand the story. And yet, even though I had to use my imagination, it worked for me. I liked getting to fill the holes.

What did you like best about this form of story telling?


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