Saturday, February 13, 2010

Liar liar pants on fire

Who reading this blog tells lies? Show of hands now.

It's okay, you can admit it. And, if you write fiction, you have to fess up to lying. Writing fiction, and even some types of non-fiction, requires an act of lying: telling a story that isn't true.

Thinking about writing in this particular context puts a bit of a bad light on the act. We shouldn't tell lies. It's morally reprehensible to tell a non-truth.

How do you reconcile this? Why is it okay for us to tell lies in stories, in writing, but not in real life? Do you ever practice telling lies in real life as an exercise to further your craft?


Megan Justice said...

from KaytLynn Dragon:

"That's interesting, thinking about fiction writing as lying, but the first thing that came to mind once I read this was that people who read the fiction know they are being lied to and they enjoy it. I think that should be taken into consideration as part of the reconciliation thing. But I take your point, and this is a nice something to think about.

*raises paw* I solemnly swear that I tell lies.

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