Writing requires writing.
It seems obvious. That in order to write one must sit down and write. But, how often do you have a story in your head that you circulate, and mull over, and go round and round in circles, but never actually write down? I know I do it. And, I know at least a couple more who do too.
So, how about a challenge for that story that's not written. You know, the one that's stuck in your head, that you've known about since the dawn of time, but that you haven't written down yet. Why haven't you written it? Are you afraid of the first line? The first page? That the scene won't match up to your expectations? That you'll write it, and find you no longer care about the characters?
I say, write it anyway. Get it out of your system. Stop reading this blog, and go write it. Write just 500 words of it (more, of course, is always acceptable). Right now. I'm serious. Then you may come back and keep reading.
Stop. Put the blog away. It'll be okay. The blog will still be here when you get back, I promise.
Feel better? Yes? No? Why? Did you capture the moment? Do you feel accomplished for having started? Do you feel that you sucked? Cause really, it's okay if you did. Don't delete what you wrote. Put it away for a bit, then go back and write more.
I promise you, that story won't write itself. So, be fearless and write it. Put those words on paper. You don't have to release them just yet; just write them down.
What did you write today?
An Evening in Pictures
14 years ago
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